Результаты (
английский) 3:
The challenges of the AFC within the various projects to conduct
The different projects to carry out :
Contents of base
Questions of Martin
my answers to the questions of Martin
- canvassing: The pole relations-enterprises do not want help us. It will therefore address in three different ways (I am at pole canvassing the bde who said that I did not want to help? ) :
1. Talk to Lombard the worries,She will be able to unblock the situation but not sure
What is the situation that is blocked?
I contacted Melinda Schleder, the manager of corporate relations to try to put in place of the conferences. She told me that the contacts with the businesses it was hot in that time and that he had contacted the former graduates. After,She is returned to me and saying that we could not contact the former graduates because we would work on the words of diplomas that are evidence of graduates. Lombard contacted me following an event (something of trite, I will explain had president), saying that after my meeting with Mr. Schleder,I should have had the necessary contacts to organize a conference, but we have nothing to do
2. Look in the directory of former to locate the former graduates who are influential in their box and who could we obtain a partnership (My network through the general competition could greatly facilitate our task).
It is clear!It should be given to those who are now in the area of economy and the funded
having specific ideas before contacting the graduate. What we can give them and what they can offer us (money, support for the creation of a club of inv, conferences and etc)
• Partnership such as the AFC in order to further increase their visibilities
"Their provide students "of quality" and ambitious to work in the world of finance
• Why not propose our "labor" in order to reflect on projects that they could delegate (once a partner)
• Attempt of their offer to make the training paid for interviews in IB students (such as Alumneyes ) (very good idea,To negotiate with the pole career, I missed several interviews in front office because lack of knowledge)
3. Personal Contacts or contacts of friends
- Pole conference: our two partners to which I must send the partnership agreements for more than a month, will be ready to provide us of lecturers.Dogfinance is even ready to do a conference on the various trades funded accessible by being to Audiencia and on how to access it. Otherwise, it must still make use of the contacts and the former graduates (My network, once again, through the general competition could greatly facilitate our task)
This would be useful to merge the pole canvassing and the pole conference saw their complementarity
totally agree
- Pole Bloomberg: 4 points:
1. Heat-you to go together in room Bloomberg for having the certification as soon as possible .
"Where can I see the points on which we should work in order to succeed at best this certification?There are 8 videos to watch on BU (Bloomberg University). F. Alexis will take you in January or February for an introduction to Bloomberg, it tells you everything.
"Can we go there at any time? Yes, if there is no course and if he rest of the posts free
"List the different working points and rely on the progress of each to complement a google doc that could be beneficial to the whole world (example of documents that fact Hakim for the Microsoft training) .
is that the by court, nothing technical, but it can be useful to motivate the team.
2.Presentation of the software in the form of conference as this year to resume. I would recommend that you do once a year at the S3 (i would say in October before the forum, because in September there has too many events) (before the campaigns) because otherwise the number of participants will be divided between the two sessions. After it is up to you to see
"If the Bloomberg certification is open to the student in general, make formations by we even? Theater style of depth? The amphis me depth seem complicated because ca would too little person. Of training by yourself would be welcome, open 2 slots of 1h30 Thursday afternoon, ask them what they are interested and guide them.
3.Training on post for the people in your promo. We have launched ca too late and we have not had the time to really deal with it. Make ca the Thursday afternoon, only one niche where everyone is free. A person by post preferably
completely in agreement.Propose several niches where the room would be open to the enrolled ( limit depending on the number of posts available in the room, and work together according to the Google doc created. Cf response to 2
4. Open each half the sessions of the Bloomberg Aptitud Test to persons of your promo and 1A when you're in 2A. To do this, I need to stay in contact with Frederic Alexis.I will go its coordinates and i brieferai the new president
Completely agree
- Pole communication: 3 points
1. Publication of a focus company per month, very simple to do with Bloomberg
• Training on how to realize an internal diagnostic ( SWOT since he must apprehend the company in the context of its market ?) by the ECT,In order to understand the mechanisms of the financial analysis of basis in order to give the focus of business of quality at the door of everything to everyone. excellent
• Propose "courses" or we could apprehend with students who wish to do so, the analysis of a market or of a company? Excellent, but see how many people would be interested.
"Why not open the reflection to this focus company to other students outside of the AFC? ( I think of a brain storming session in class , which could also serve as a basis for the training of item (1) interesting but for me it would complicate things too much. It would be cool to analyze and explain but do the analysis with them would be laborious to me.
"I am aware that these points are approaching more the council in strategy that the funded, nevertheless, the analysis of the market and of the company are the basis for the analysis financial
You have all the info on doc excel you find on Bloomberg, ca should not evil you simplify things
2.Publication of an electronic magazine on the financial news (Frederic Alexis proposed to do a copy paste of articles on Bloomberg. According to him, articles of the best quality that it is. The other solution would be to select 3-4 key events of the week and to publish the all Sunday in electronic form (5 to 10 pages max))
• Good idea
3.Create a new page AFC, I am going to close the old. Publish all our publications on our page with the logo of our partners
- Pole vent: 3 points
1. Organization of a big evening by half. The aim is to enjoy the promo and show that it knows how to have fun.
a. Semester 2: Poker tournament, be very careful with the budget,We have made a deficit of 300 euros last year because too much alcohol, not enough participants in the evening. Poker Tournament evening, good idea but it must be that the budget be concrete slabs and to attract the world to the evening.
"The fact that I am at the BDE can here be interesting
b. Semester 3: OB, it is associated with several other Assos for our OB.Last year there was an open-bar !
2. Organization of events entertainment around the funded
a. Sharking game to repeat once per semester in the worst case. But why not take the risk and go further
( EDHEC fact a sharking game inter-association, everyone is involved for 3 days, to meditate )
good idea for the s2, abc bourse proposes a week mini.
- Do pay 10-20 euros the participants in order to have at the end a reward cash and may be able to make a margin the top. Too expensive, ca will motivate bcp less world
b. Make the game more exciting by opening in is not confined only to the French stock exchange but by giving access to major exchanges. http://www.stocktrak.com/ but the site is paying,It will therefore contact the
( for the novice of the funded, there is already some attrition at this launch in such a challenge, why not, but this could also in cool not evil )
Yeah it is true! But inquire qd even to see the cost and etc.
c. I was also proposed to organize a team competition on 6 months.Fit 3 or 4 tests which would have a respective duration of 1 to 3 week(s). to you to see the feasibility of this
d. It must be that i recontacted Emilios Galariotis for a huge project. Each year the CFA institute organized a tournament of global trading. Before, it was Mr. Galariotis who was the intermediary, it has proposed to the AFC of the replace.
e.The CFA institute organized another event I do not know if it participated: http://www.cfainstitute.org/community/challenge/pages/index.aspx
f. Contact the CFA institute so that they become the partners of Audiencia (idea of Martin and really possible)
3. Organization of events seriously around the funded (other than conference)
quite for!!!!!!
A.Organization of talks from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is a debate with a dozen students and a professor of the subject in question. The professor would participate in the debate without being the leader. Subject to give in advance if the debate is on an article, give the article in advance
b.Put in place of the working groups within the AFC and with persons not members but motivating to work on your skills in order to ll differentiate during the interviews (stock market knowledge, information sheets on the i
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