Draft de la vision Marketing CAI• La gamme actuelle est menacée de « c перевод - Draft de la vision Marketing CAI• La gamme actuelle est menacée de « c английский как сказать

Draft de la vision Marketing CAI• L

Draft de la vision Marketing CAI
• La gamme actuelle est menacée de « commoditization » et à terme d’obsolescence :
- Les documents : plus de 50% du marché est couvert par des imprimeries nationales et de nombreux acteurs savent aujourd’hui faire des documents y compris dans les pays low cost. La longue liste des security features n’empêchera rien car souvent les éléments de base de celle-ci sont achetés à l’extérieur et bien peu sont de réelles différenciations.
- Les modules : les technologies de wire bonding ou de flip chip ne sont pas si complexes à maîtriser. La volonté des fondeurs est de plus en plus de marketer voire de vendre leurs chips en direct. Avec le déploiement de la technologie Flash, le chargement des modules peut intervenir tardivement. On va certainement assister à un découplage de la vente des OS et des modules plus rapidement qu’on ne croit.
- Les OS : de nombreux acteurs avec de petites équipes d’une douzaine de personnes développent des OS Java. Par ailleurs les certifications sont obtenues avec une rigueur et des prix inégaux qui rendent notre offre chère donc limité à une petite part de marché.
- Les softwares : de nombreuses sociétés ont développé des environnements de Card Management System ou de gestion de production avec interfaçage de bases de données multiples et la part du marché déjà équipé est significative. Il n’est pas certain que l’IDMS soit un fort relais de croissance.  PHE : bien entendu ! se sont les services que nous pourrons rendre (proof of identity, identity check…) in fine qui seront à valeur et monétisables de manière pérenne
• Les nouveaux besoins marchés :
- Des documents de nouvelle génération : dans le passé, les documents devaient être « difficiles à contrefaire et facile à identifier ». Nécessitant malgré la facilité supposée, très souvent un personnel formé pour différencier les bonnes contrefaçons des originaux. Aujourd’hui, la tendance est à « l’automatic border control » pour supporter cette croissance du trafic aérien qui va encore doubler dans les 15 prochaines années. Pour cela, la devise doit devenir « difficiles à contrefaire et facile à contrôler automatiquement ».  Pour cela IATA déploie des efforts importants et nous devrions faire partie du consortium déployé par IATA travaillant sur le checkpoint du futur…bien que trusté par les teutons (https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/security/Documents/cof-executive-summary.pdf) notamment sur le remote image processing et l’uitlisation de Lasink comme technologie éligible au risk asessment et contributions possibles de cette technologies au profit des différents modules
- Des OS à prix compétitifs avec les derniers standards. Nous devons repenser notre business model, nos partenaires de certifications et nos coûts de fonctionnement pour pouvoir d’une part rester compétitifs par rapports aux nouveaux entrants asiatiques ou est européens et pouvoir vivre sans la marge de la vente des modules qui seront achetés en direct et chargés par les clients.  PHE : nous devons non pas revoir mais changer de business model (live or die , que vaudra notre fabuleux réseau de personnalisation & production « services centers » dans un monde dont la dématérialisation avance à grands pas ? d’ici 15 ans ? avènement de 3D printing … )
- Des authentifications pratiques dans un monde de mobilité : tout sur smartphone… Le temps n’est plus au seul régalien. Les commerçants et les citoyens ont les mêmes besoins de confiance, voire plus. Les seuls dispositifs qui concentrent à la fois le NFC et la caméra à la manière de petits scanners frontières sont les smart phones dont la partie de la population qui en est équipée est grandissante même dans les pays à faible PIB.  Oui, mais dans ses pays émergeants, on se heurte au faible taux de bancarisation… par ailleurs la confiance sera délivrée par des tiers dits de confiance (autorités étatiques locales, entités qualifiées et autorités certifiantes, un programme transverse NSTIC – eIDAS est en germination) information glanée lors de la conférence eIDAS au Club PSCO le 24 Septembre dernier.
- Notre offre aux deux extrémités de la chaîne avec l’enrôlement d’une part et les ABC d’autre part est trop légère pour faire de nous un intégrateur de solution complète totalement crédible. Nous avons commencé à mettre en place un enrôlement Lasink mais il nous faudrait davantage intégrer d’autres technologies par un renforcement rapide de nos alliances qui demeurent aujourd’hui opportunistes au fil des affaires au lieu de s’appuyer sur une démarche de solutions cohérentes et intégrées.
- Une identité digitale sécurisée et des logins passwords obsolètes. Pour le citoyen, la création légitime de son identité digitale est un sujet majeur. Le Royaume Uni s’est déjà lancé dans la course avec une solution extrêmement peu sécurisé. De plus la question de la dérivation pour la création est un des éléments majeurs de la sécurité du système complet. Elle doit s’envisager autant sur l’aspect de la sécurité que de l’ergonomie et de la praticité. Par exemple espérer qu’à chaque connexion sensible le citoyen de base utilise sont document régalien est une vue de l’esprit. Il faudra forcément avoir recours à de la simple biométrie, faciale très probablement (le monde anglo-saxon a déjà choisi), pour obtenir une adoption de masse. C’est pour cette raison, qu’on ne peut pas se tenir à l’écart des solutions d’enrôlement et d’ABC car ces mêmes technologies deviennent essentielles pour la dérivation donc pour l’identité numérique et les eServices qui en découlent.
- L’accès à un écosystème dynamique d’eServices grâce à un accès facilité aux briques de sécurité pour les développeurs. Il faut que nous positionnions les briques OT et les SDK que nous mettons à la disposition d’un monde ouvert de développeurs pour que la masse des services accessibles dans ce nouvel écosystème sécurisé entraîne à la fois les changements d’usage, la migration des utilisateurs et le décollage de cette dynamique grâce à la confiance que va apporter la sécurité augmentée. On parle ici de middleware, de serveur d’authentification, d’applications Android, etc  Nous avons selon moi une carte à jouer avec Apple / PIV / EMV et certains systèmes fermés comme avec les systèmes ouverts type Android ou FIDO, de point de vue la collaboration avec CDM me parait indispensable pour nous ouvrir de nouveaux horizons…
- Une partie importante du marché des documents n’a pas de puce. Si nous pouvions offrir, bien que ce ne soit pas dans notre ADN, un certain niveau de sécurité pour les contrôles de documents ou leur dérivation y compris en situation de mobilité sans qu’il soit nécessaire qu’ils disposent d’une puce, nous pourrions avoir des prix agressifs, de la sécurité grâce aux contrôles on-line et une crédibilité de sécurité du fait du nom OT.  J’ai des idées sur la mise en service de l’identité proofing pour des documents Lasink par exemple
• Les conséquences pour le marketing :
- Grand besoin de quantifier ces nouvelles tendances pour séquencer une tactique sur les 3 prochaines années.
- Très probablement besoin d’investir dans des pans nouveaux d’activité. Il faudra trouver un cœur visionnaire de réformateurs au sein du marketing, de la R&D et du commercial pour démontrer les premières références et entraîner l’adhésion.
- Profiter du breakthrough Lasink pour prendre des parts de marché en PC et proposer systématiquement le reste de la vision et des solutions OT.
- Créer les conditions des premières références en eService. Ukraine ?
- Inventer « en avançant» les business models pour rendre profitable au plus tôt le développement des eServices.
- Cette vision ne signifie certainement pas qu’il faille brutalement abandonner les secteurs qui nous font vivre aujourd’hui. Ceci désamorcerait tout simplement notre transition. Il faut même être très vigilant à rester très performants sur nos cœurs de métiers actuels pour bridger en douceur. Pour cela il faut faut que le peaufinage des gammes actuelles sur les aspects coûts et fonctionnalités traditionnelles soient renforcés par des gens qui connaissent déjà bien ce métier en provenance de la R&D par exemple pour les docs, l’enrôlement, les ABC et avec un renforcement de la maîtrise de l’environnement normatif auquel nous devons nous conformer à 2 ans. Les gens doivent être déjà aguerris car nous n’avons pas le temps d’une formation.

Vision et synthèse – Philippe Hercelin
J’ai déjà contribué en d’autre temps et environnement à de telles réflexions afin de tenter de mettre sur pied d’un point de vue business une approche services chez un de nos concurrents. Les constats sont assez semblables et les enjeux de nature très similaire. En voici la teneur et je dirais que la mise en application d’un tel plan doit être approuvée au plus haut niveau de l’entreprise et vue comme un enjeu financier avant d’être examinée sous le point de vue technologique.

La vidéo en ligne, le mobile, les médias sociaux et l’achat en ligne (e-commerce) ont transformé l’usage digital partout dans le monde.
Le chiffre d’affaires du e-commerce en France il y a 10 ans était de 200 M€, il est aujourd’hui de 45 Mrds € et de 312 Mrds en Europe (source FEVAD : fédération e-commerce et vente à distance).
La fraude numérique a pris son essor du fait de l’explosion simultanée du e-commerce et de l’utilisation de nouveaux médias permettant d’accéder au web, i-phones et tablettes en particulier.
Comme le souligne le directeur (Guy de Felcourt) de la société d’assurance CPP (Card Protection Plan) dans son livre sur l’usurpation d’identité, « les informations d’accès (code, mot de passe…), les informations de navigation (adresse IP, cookies…), les données nominatives et les renseignements postés sur les réseaux sociaux sont devenues des informations susceptibles de désigner des cibles potentielles et de rapporter de l’argent
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Draft of vision Marketing CAI• The current range is threatened 'commoditization' and term of obsolescence:-Documents: more than 50% of the market is covered by national print and many players know today do documents including in low cost countries. The long list of security features prevent nothing because often the basic elements of it are purchased from outside and very few are actual differentiation. -Modules: flip chip and wire bonding technologies are not so complex to master. The desire of the founders is more and more marketer or even sell their live chips. With the deployment of Flash technology, loading the modules can intervene late. We will certainly attend a decoupling from the sale of the OS and modules more quickly than people think.-OS: many actors with small teams of a dozen people develop a Java OS. Furthermore the certifications are obtained with rigour and unequal prices that make our dear offer therefore limited to a small market share.-Softwares: many companies have developed environments Card Management System or production management with interfacing of multiple databases and the already equipped market share is significant. It is not certain that the IDMS is a strong growth drivers.  PHE: of course! are the services that we can make (proof of identity, identity check...) in fine that will be value and monetary perennial way • New needs markets:-Documents of new generation: in the past, documents should be "fraud-resistant and easy to identify. Requiring despite the supposed ease, very often a staff trained to differentiate good counterfeits of the originals. Today, the trend is to "the automatic border control" to support the growth of air traffic that will double in the next 15 years. For this, the currency must become 'fraud-resistant and easy to automatically control '.  This IATA effort is important and we should be part of the consortium deployed by IATA working on the checkpoint of the future... well that monopolised by the (https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/security/Documents/cof-executive-summary.pdf) teutons including remote image processing and the use of Lasink as eligible technology to the risk asessment and possible contributions of this technology for the benefit of different modules-BONES at competitive prices with the latest standards. We need to rethink our business model, our certification partners and our operating costs to remain competitive by reports new entrants Asian or is European and power on the one hand live without the margin from the sale of the modules that will be purchased on-line and loaded by customers.  PHE: we must not not again but change of business model (live or die, that will be worth our fabulous network of personalization & production 'services centers' in a world whose dematerialization making great strides? within 15 years? advent of 3D printing...)-Practical authentication in a world of mobility: all about smartphone... Time is no longer the only sovereign to. Merchants and citizens have the same needs of confidence, or even more. The only devices which concentrate both the NFC and the camera after the manner of small borders scanners are smart phones which the portion of the population which is equipped is growing even in countries with low GDP.  Yes, but in its emerging countries, we are faced at the low rate of bankarisation... also the confidence will be issued by the third so-called confidence (local State authorities, qualified entities and authorities certifying a transverse programme NSTIC - eIDAS is germinating) information gleaned during the eIDAS to the PSCOS Club conference last September 24.-Our offer at both ends of the chain with the enrolment on the one hand and the ABC on the other hand is too slight to make us a totally credible solution integrator. We have begun to implement a Lasink recruitment but should we further integrate other technologies by a rapid strengthening of our alliances that remain today opportunistic over Affairs instead of relying on a consistent and integrated solutions approach.-A secure digital identity and logins passwords obsolete. For the citizen, the legitimate creation of digital identity is a major issue. The United Kingdom is already running in the race with an extremely secure solution. Over the issue of the derivation for the creation is one of the major elements of the security of the entire system. It should be considered as much on the aspect of safety ergonomics and practicality. For example hope that sensitive connection-the citizen's basic uses are sovereign paper is a view of the mind. Will necessarily require to simple biometrics, facial very probably (the anglo-saxon world has already chosen), to get a mass adoption. It is for this reason, could not keep clear of enrolment and ABC solutions because these same technologies are becoming essential for deriving so for digital identity and eServices arising therefrom. -Access to a dynamic ecosystem of eServices with easy access to the building blocks of security for developers. It is necessary that we positionnions OT bricks and the SDK that we put at the disposal of a world open to developers so that the mass of available services in this new secure ecosystem causes both the changes in use, migration of users and take-off of this dynamic thanks to the trust that will bring enhanced security. We speak here of middleware, authentication server, Android apps, etc  we believe a map to play with Apple / PIV / EMV and some systems closed as with open systems type Android or FIDO, from point of view the collaboration with Hom seems essential for we open new horizons... -An important part of the market of the documents is not smart. If we could offer, although it is not in our DNA, a certain level of security for controls of documents or their diversion even in situation of mobility without any need they have a chip, we have aggressive prices, security through on-line controls and credibility of security of the OT name.  I have ideas on commissioning identity proofing for Lasink documents for example • The implications for marketing:-Great need to quantify these new trends to sequence a tactic over the next 3 years.-Very probably need to invest in new sectors of activity. Need to find a visionary heart of reformers within the marketing, R & D and the commercial to demonstrate the first references and lead to accession.-Take advantage of Lasink breakthrough to take PC market share and systematically offer the rest of the vision and solutions OT.-Create the conditions of the first references in eService. Ukraine?-Invent "moving forward" business models to make profitable the earlier development of eServices.-This vision certainly does not mean that should suddenly abandon areas that make us live today. This simply defuse our transition. It must even be very vigilant to remain high on our core existing businesses to bridger smoothly. For that you need need tweaking current on cost and features traditional aspects should be strengthened by people who already familiar with this business from the R & D for example docs, enrolment, the ABC and with a strengthening of the normative which environmental master we must comply with 2 years. People must already be seasoned because we do not have the time to training. Vision and synthesis - Philippe HercelinI already helped another time and environment of such reflections in an attempt to develop from a business perspective approach services at one of our competitors. The findings are quite similar and very similar issues. Here is the content and I would say that the implementation of such a plan must be approved at the highest level of the company and seen as a financial issue before be examined from the technological point of view.FACTS AND TRENDS.Online video, mobile, social media and buying online (e-commerce) have transformed digital use everywhere in the world. The turnover of e-commerce in France 10 years ago was 200 M€, it is today to 45 BN € and 312 bn in Europe (source FEVAD: federation e-commerce and sales remotely).Digital fraud took off of because of the simultaneous explosion of e-commerce and the use of new media for accessing the web, i-phones and tablets in particular.As pointed out the (Guy de Felcourt) Director of the insurance company MPC (Card Protection Plan) in his book on identity theft, "access information (code, password...), the navigation information (IP address, cookies...), personal data and information posted on social networks have become information that could identify potential targets and make money
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Draft Vision Marketing CAI
• The current range is at risk of "commoditization" and ultimately obsolescence:
- Documents: over 50% of the market is covered by national printing and many actors know today to documents including in low cost countries. The long list of security features will prevent anything because often the basic elements of the latter are purchased outside and few are real differentiations.
- Modules: Technology wire bonding or flip chip are not so complex to master. The will of the founders is increasingly marketer or sell their live chips. With the deployment of Flash technology, loading modules can intervene late. We will certainly see a decoupling from the sale of OS and modules more quickly than we think.
- The OS: many players with small teams of a dozen people develop Java OS. Further certifications are obtained with a rigorous and unequal prices that make our expensive offer therefore limited to a small market share.
- The softwares: many companies have developed environments card management system and production management with interfacing multiple databases and the share of market is already equipped significantly. It is not certain that the IDMS is a strong growth.  PHE: of course! have the services that we can make (proof of identity, identity check ...) in fine that will value and monetizable perennially
• New markets needs:
- New generation documents: in the past, the documents should be ' difficult to counterfeit and easy to identify. " Requiring despite the supposed ease, often trained personnel to distinguish good fakes from the originals. Today the trend is to "automatic border control" to support this growth in air traffic will double again in the next 15 years. For this, the currency has become "difficult to counterfeit and easy to automatically control".  For that IATA is making significant efforts and we should be part of the consortium deployed by IATA working at the checkpoint of the future ... although monopolized by the Teutonic (https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/security/Documents/cof- executive-summary.pdf) including the remote image processing and uitlisation of Lasink as eligible technology risk asessment and possible contributions of this technology for the benefit of different modules
- competitive prices in Des OS with the latest standards. We need to rethink our business model, certifications, partners and our operating costs in order to remain competitive on the one hand by reporting new entrants to Asian or European and to live without the margin from the sale of modules that will be purchased directly and charge by customers.  PHE: we must not goodbye but change business model (live or die, that will be worth our wonderful network personalization & production "service centers" in a world of dematerialization great strides in 15 years advent? 3D printing ...)
- Practical authentications in a world of mobility: all about smartphone ... Time is no longer the sole sovereign. Traders and citizens have the same confidence needs or more. The only devices that concentrate both the NFC and the camera in the manner of small border scanners are smart phones which part of the population that is equipped is growing even in countries with low GDP.  Yes, but in its emerging countries, is hampered by the low level of banking penetration ... otherwise confidence will be issued by third parties called trust (local state authorities, entities qualified and certifying authorities, a transversal program NSTIC - eIDAS is germinating ) information gleaned during the conference eIDAS PSCO Club on 24 September.
- Our offer at both ends of the chain with the recruitment of the one hand and the other ABC is too light to make us integrator totally believable complete solution. We started to develop a recruitment Lasink but we would further integrate other technologies by a rapid strengthening of our alliances which remain today opportunistic over the business instead of relying on a coherent approach and solutions integrated.
- A secure digital identity and passwords obsolete logins. For citizens, the legitimate creation of its digital identity is a major issue. The United Kingdom has already started in the race with an extremely insecure solution. Also the issue of derivation for creation is a major element of the safety of the complete system. It must be considered as the aspect of safety and ergonomics and practicality. For example only hope each sensitive connection uses the average citizen is sovereign paper is a view of the mind. It will necessarily have recourse to the simple biometrics, facial very likely (the Anglo-Saxon world has already chosen), for mass adoption. For this reason, we can not keep away from enrollment solutions and ABC because these same technologies are becoming essential for the derivation so for digital identity and eServices that result.
- Access to a dynamic ecosystem of eServices through easier access to security bricks for developers. We must positionnions OT SDK and bricks that we make available to developers a world open to the mass of the services available in this new secure ecosystem leads to both changes in use, migrate users and take-off of this dynamic thanks to the trust that will provide enhanced security. We are talking about middleware, authentication server, Android applications, etc.  We have to me a playing card with Apple / PIV / EMV and some closed systems like Android with open type or FIDO systems, point for collaboration with CDM seems to me indispensable to open up new horizons ...
- An important part of the document market has no chip. If we could offer, although it is not in our DNA, a certain level of security for the controls of documents or their derivation including on the move without the need that they have a chip, we could have aggressive prices, security thanks to online safety controls and credibility because of the name OT.  I have some ideas about the identity proofing commissioning for Lasink document eg
• Consequences for marketing:
- In need to quantify these trends to sequence tactics over the next three years.
- Most likely need to invest in new business sections. We must find a visionary heart of reformers within marketing, R & D and business to demonstrate the first references and cause adhesion.
- Enjoy the breakthrough Lasink to take market share in PCs and systematically provide the rest of the OT vision and solutions.
- Creating conditions of the first references in eService. Ukraine?
- Invent "advancing" business models to make it profitable at the earliest development of eServices.
- This vision certainly does not mean that suddenly abandon areas that make us live today. This simply defuse our transition. Also you have to be very vigilant to stay on our current high-performing core businesses for Bridger smoothly. To this must be the refinement of current ranges on traditional cost and functionality aspects are strengthened by people who are already familiar with this business from R & D eg for docs, enlistment, ABC and strengthening the control of the regulatory environment in which we must conform to 2 years. People must already be experienced because we do not have time for training. Vision and Synthesis - Philippe Hercelin I have contributed in another time and environment in such discussions in order to try to establish to a business perspective an approach services at one of our competitors. The findings are quite similar and issues very similar nature. It reads, and I would say that the implementation of such a plan must be approved at the highest levels of the company and seen as a financial issue before being examined under the technological point of view. FACTS AND TRENDS. online video, mobile, social media and online shopping (e-commerce) have transformed the digital use around the world. The turnover of e-commerce in France 10 years ago was € 200 million, it is now 45 bn and € 312 bn in Europe (source FEVAD: Federation e-commerce and distance selling). The digital fraud has flourished due to the simultaneous explosion of e -commerce and use new media to access the web, i-phones and tablets in particular. As noted by the Director (Guy Felcourt) of the insurance company CPP (Card Protection Plan) in his book on identity theft, "access information (code, password ...), navigation information (IP address, cookies ...), personal data and information posted on social networks have become information likely to identify potential targets and make money

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the establishment of legitimate digital identity is a major issue. the united kingdom has already started the race with a highly hard to secure. in addition, the question of the derivation for the creation is one of the major elements of the security of the entire system. it must be on the side of safety, ergonomics and the practicality.research of vision marketing cai) - the current range is threatened ", and eventually" commoditization obsolete documents: - more than 50% of the market is covered by the national printing works and many are now documents including in low-cost countries.the long list of security features prevent because often the basic elements that are purchased from outside and it is a real differentiation.
- modules, wire bonding technology, flip chip, or is not complicated to control. the desire of the founders is more and sell chips marketer.with the deployment of flash technology, the modules may be loaded later. we will attend a decoupling of the sale of bones and modules as quickly as we can. - bones. many players with small teams of about a dozen people are bone in java.in addition the certifications were obtained with accuracy and different prices that make this offer is limited to a small "market share. in the software, many companies have developed environments of card management system and production management with some multiple databases and market share have significant.it is not certain that idms is a strong over growth.  (: of course! are the services we can render (proof of identity, identity check, which will ultimately monétisables value and sustainable manner - - new market needs: - documents of the new generation, in the past.the documents should be "difficult to counterfeit and easy to identify. despite the ease to which, very often a staff trained to differentiate good forgeries of the originals. today, the trend is to "automatic border control to support the growth of air traffic, which will double in the next 15 years. to do this,the motto should be "difficult to counterfeit and easy to control automatically. in this  iata plays an important role, and we should be part of the consortium made by working on the checkpoint of the future cost of that boys used up all the germans (https: / / www.iata. org / whatwedo / security / documents / cof - executive summary.pdf) on the remote image processing and the technology of lasink as uitlisation eligible risk asessment and possible contributions of the technologies for the benefit of the various modules and - bones at competitive prices with the latest standards. we need to rethink the business model.our partners of certificates and operating costs in order to remain competitive in a relationship to new entrants or european and asian can live without the margin of sales modules, which will be purchased on-line and entrusted by the clients. we must not  (see change of business model (live or die.that's our wonderful network of & services customization production centers in the world with advanced virtualization? over the next 15 years. development of 3d printing) - practical authentication in a mobile world, on smartphone, the time is no longer the only sovereign. the merchants and citizens have the same needs confidence, or even more.the devices, which are both the nfc and the camera in the way small scanners borders are smart phones with the portion of the population that is growing in countries with low gdp.  but in developing countries,our offer at the two ends of the chain with the recruitment of a primer and the other is too light to make an integrative comprehensive solution fully credible.we are hampered by the low rate of bankarisation. moreover, the trust will be issued by third parties (state or local authorities and qualified entities and certifiantes, a program, eidas is transverse nstic germination information gleaned during the conference eidas psco club on 24 september.we have started to develop a recruitment lasink but we should further integrate other technologies by a rapid expansion of our alliances are today over the business, rather than rely on a coherent and integrated approach to solutions. - secure digital identity and passwords logins. for the citizen.the establishment of legitimate digital identity is a major issue. the united kingdom has already started the race with a highly hard to secure. in addition, the question of the derivation for the creation is one of the major elements of the security of the entire system. it must be on the side of safety, ergonomics and the practicality.for example, hoped that each connection material the average citizen is sovereign is a document used for the spirit. it must make use of simple facial biometrics, most probably, the anglo saxon world already has), for mass adoption. it is for this reason.we can't keep away from solutions of recruitment and abc as these technologies are essential for the derivation for the digital identity and the questions which arise. - access to a dynamic ecosystem of eservices through easier access to safety bricks for developers.we positionnions bricks and the sdk we put at the disposal of an open world for the mass of developers in the new ecosystem services is to secure both the changes of use, the migration of users and the take-off of the momentum thanks to the confidence that will provide increased safety.we speak here of middleware, applications, authentication server, android, etc.  we have, i think, a playing card with you and some apple / vip / closed systems with open systems such as android and fido, the point of view of the collaboration with the hom is essential to open up new horizons. "- a significant portion of the market for smart materials don't have. if we could offer, although it is not in our dna, a certain level of security for document checks or bypass including the situation of mobility without the need to have a baby, we have to price aggressively.security through monitoring on line and credibility and security because of the name.  i have ideas on the implementation of the management of identity documents lasink e.g. - implications for the marketing, great need to quantify these trends to sequence a tactic in the next three years.you probably need to invest in new sectors of activity. we need to find a heart of reformers in the vision of the r&d marketing and commercial to show the first reference and lead to accession. lasink) to seize the market share in the pc and automatically offer the rest of the vision and solutions to.- create the conditions for eservice first references. the ukraine? - make 'avançant» business models to make it profitable in the early development of questions. this view is certainly does not mean that we are suddenly out of areas that live today. this would defuse just the transition.we must be very careful to stay on top of our hearts and crafts. the current bridge. this requires that the refinement of current ranges on aspects of cost and traditional features are strengthened by people who are already familiar with it from the r&d e.g. docs, recruitment.the abc and a strengthening of the control of the regulatory environment in which we have to comply with two years. people have already experienced, because we don't have time for training.

- vision and hercelin synthesisi have already contributed to different time and environment of these ideas in an attempt to establish a point of view a service business in one of our competitors. the findings are quite similar, and similar issues.here are the content and i would like to say that the implementation of such a plan will be approved at the highest level of the enterprise, and as a financial issue to be considered in the technological point of view. "facts and trends, online video, mobile, social media and purchase online (e-commerce) have turned to digital use anywhere in the world.
the turnover of e-commerce in france ten years ago was 200 million, today it is 45 billion euros and 312 billion in europe (source: russian fevad e-commerce and distance sales). the digital fraud has flourished because of the simultaneous explosion of - the trade in and the use of new media to access the web, 3 bars in particular.as pointed out by the director, the felcourt) from the insurance company (card protection plan (in his book on identity theft, "access code, password, etc.), the navigation information (ip address, cookie, etc.).the data and the information posted on social networks have become information that may identify potential targets and make money
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