J’habite a Bolton en Angleterre, j’habite dans un quartier qui s’appel перевод - J’habite a Bolton en Angleterre, j’habite dans un quartier qui s’appel английский как сказать

J’habite a Bolton en Angleterre, j’

J’habite a Bolton en Angleterre, j’habite dans un quartier qui
s’appelle Halliwell, je l’aime parce que anime, il y a beaucoup de
distractions, parcs et magasins.

Bolton situe dans le nord-ouest de l’Angleterre. L’access a Bolton
tres facile, il y a la gare SNCF pour le trains. Il y a (300,000)
trios cent mille habitants a Bolton, Bolton est une grand ville
industriel et commercial.

Au centre ville il y a beaucoup a voir et a faire comme distractions:
il y a des discos, de pubs, de bars , de cafes, des restaurants, un
theatre qui s’appelle Octagon et un complexe de loisirs qui s’appelle
‘Albert Halls’.

Samedi Dernier je suis alle au cinema, j’ai vu un film avec mes amis
qui s’appelle Akheel c’etait fantastique et Vendredi prochain je vais
regarder une piece de Shakespeare ‘Romeo et Juliet’ au theatre, ca
sera super et fantastique.

Comme batiments interessants, il y a la musee et la bibliotheque.
Comme monuments historiques, il y a de vieilles maisons comme
Smithills Hall, Turton Tower et Hall’ith Wood et comme magasins, il y
a un centre commercial, trios centres commerciaux et des grands
magasins comme M&S.

Pour les gens sportif, il y a un nouveau stade fantastique qui
s’appelle ‘Reebok Stadium’ ou on peut regarder les grands match de
foot. Mardi dernier je suis alle au stade, j’ai regarde le match
Bolton contre Manchester United, Bolton a gagne 2-0 c’etait super.

J’aime habiter a Bolton, parce que je connais tres bien la ville et
j’habite a Bolton toute ma vie, mais je n’aime le temps.

Dans la environs de Bolton il y a des parcs naturels et des rivieres,
dans la region on peut aller a la peche, jouer au golf et louer des

Je prefere habiter dans une ville. C’est plus anime, il y a beaucoup
de distractions, on peut aller au cinema, manger au restaurant et
faire les magasins. Plus tard dans la vie j’aimerais habiter en Italie
parce que j’aime la vie Italienne et le soleil.

J’ai deja visite la France, j’ai aime la France c’etait fantastique.
J’ai surtout aime le temps et la cuisine.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I live a Bolton in England, I live in an area that is called Halliwell, I like it because as anime, there are a lot of Entertainment, parks and shopping. Bolton is located in the North-West of England. The access has Bolton very easy, there is the railway station for trains. There are (300,000) three hundred thousand inhabitants a Bolton, Bolton is a great city industrial and commercial. In the city centre there are many a show and to do as distractions: There are discos, pubs, bars, cafes, restaurants, a Theatre called Octagon and a leisure complex called Albert Halls. Saturday last I went to the cinema, I saw a movie with my friends called Akheel it was fantastic and I'm going to next Friday watching a play of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' at the theatre, ca will be super and fantastic. As buildings of interest, there are the Museum and the library. As historic monuments, there are old houses as Smithills Hall, Turton Tower and Hall'ith Wood and as stores, it y has a shopping centre, three malls and great stores like M & S. For sports people, there is a new fantastic stage that is called 'Reebok Stadium' or you can watch the big match from foot. Last Tuesday I went to the stadium, I watch the game Bolton against Manchester United, Bolton has won 2-0 and it was super. I love living a Bolton, because I know very well the city and I live a Bolton all my life, but I like the time. In the vicinity of Bolton there are natural parks and rivers, the region can go a fishing, golfing and rent of bikes. I prefer living in a city. It's more anime, there are many distractions, you can go to the movies, dining out and go shopping. Later in life I live in Italy because I love life Italian and the Sun. I already visit the France, I love the France it was fantastic. I especially like the time and the kitchen.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
J’habite a Bolton en Angleterre, j’habite dans un quartier qui
s’appelle Halliwell, je l’aime parce que anime, il y a beaucoup de
distractions, parcs et magasins.

Bolton situe dans le nord-ouest de l’Angleterre. L’access a Bolton
tres facile, il y a la gare SNCF pour le trains. Il y a (300,000)
trios cent mille habitants a Bolton, Bolton est une grand ville
industriel et commercial.

Au centre ville il y a beaucoup a voir et a faire comme distractions:
il y a des discos, de pubs, de bars , de cafes, des restaurants, un
theatre qui s’appelle Octagon et un complexe de loisirs qui s’appelle
‘Albert Halls’.

Samedi Dernier je suis alle au cinema, j’ai vu un film avec mes amis
qui s’appelle Akheel c’etait fantastique et Vendredi prochain je vais
regarder une piece de Shakespeare ‘Romeo et Juliet’ au theatre, ca
sera super et fantastique.

Comme batiments interessants, il y a la musee et la bibliotheque.
Comme monuments historiques, il y a de vieilles maisons comme
Smithills Hall, Turton Tower et Hall’ith Wood et comme magasins, il y
a un centre commercial, trios centres commerciaux et des grands
magasins comme M&S.

Pour les gens sportif, il y a un nouveau stade fantastique qui
s’appelle ‘Reebok Stadium’ ou on peut regarder les grands match de
foot. Mardi dernier je suis alle au stade, j’ai regarde le match
Bolton contre Manchester United, Bolton a gagne 2-0 c’etait super.

J’aime habiter a Bolton, parce que je connais tres bien la ville et
j’habite a Bolton toute ma vie, mais je n’aime le temps.

Dans la environs de Bolton il y a des parcs naturels et des rivieres,
dans la region on peut aller a la peche, jouer au golf et louer des

Je prefere habiter dans une ville. C’est plus anime, il y a beaucoup
de distractions, on peut aller au cinema, manger au restaurant et
faire les magasins. Plus tard dans la vie j’aimerais habiter en Italie
parce que j’aime la vie Italienne et le soleil.

J’ai deja visite la France, j’ai aime la France c’etait fantastique.
J’ai surtout aime le temps et la cuisine.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I live at Bolton in England, I live in a neighborhood that
is called Halliwell, i liked because lively, there are a lot of
distractions, parks and shops.

Bolton located in the north-west of England. The access has Bolton
very easy, there is the SNCF train station for the trains. There is ( 300.000 )
trios per hundred thousand population at Bolton, Bolton is a large town
industrial and commercial.

In the city center there are a lot to see and do as distractions:
there are discos, pubs, bars, cafes, restaurants, a
theater which is called Octagon and a leisure complex which is called
'Albert Halls'.

Last Saturday I went to the cinema, I saw a film with my friends
which is called Akheel it was fantastic and next Friday i will
Watch a Shakespeare play 'Romeo and Juliet' in the theater, ca
will be great and fantastic.

As interesting buildings, there is the museum and the library.
As historic monuments, there are old homes as
Smithills Hall, Turton Tower and Hall'ith Wood and as stores, there are
has a shopping center, trios shopping centers and major
shops as M&S.

For the sports people, there is a new stadium fantastic which
is called 'Reebok Stadium' or we can watch the big game of
football. Last Tuesday I went to the stage, I watched the game
Bolton against Manchester United, Bolton won 2-0 it was great.

I love live at Bolton, because I know very well the city and
i live at Bolton all my life,But i enjoyed the time.

In the environs of Bolton there are natural parks and rivers,
in the region you can go fishing, play golf, and rent of

I prefers to live in a city. It is more lively, there is a lot
of distractions, one can go to the cinema, eat in the restaurant, and
shopping. Later in life I would like to live in Italy
Because I like the Italian life and the sun.

I have already visited France, I love France it was fantastic.
I especially enjoyed the time and the kitchen.
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