Au sein des équipes Marketing de la Business Unit Identité et en étroi перевод - Au sein des équipes Marketing de la Business Unit Identité et en étroi английский как сказать

Au sein des équipes Marketing de la

Au sein des équipes Marketing de la Business Unit Identité et en étroite collaboration avec les équipes marketing stratégique, commerciales et R&D,
Vos missions principales seront notamment :
1) Analyser les évolutions du marché : assurer la veille concurrentielle et proposer une vision à 2-3 ans du produit
2) Suivre les besoins des sociétés clientes technologiquement et fonctionnellement pour garantir leur conformité avec notre stratégie, participer à la mise en œuvre d’une roadmap produit à 6 mois
3) prendre en charge le développement du produit en respectant la méthodologie mise en place par la R&D (méthode Agile Scrum): rédiger les spécifications et les release notes conformément au standard de la Société,
4) participer à la formation des équipes support avant chaque mise en production du produit et recueillir les retours utilisateurs

De formation Bac+5, école de commerce / ingénieur/, vous avez une expérience de 3/5 ans en tant que Chef de produit ou Product Owner Agile sur des produits informatiques.
La connaissance des marchés est un plus Vous connaissez les marchés et les produits de nos concurrents.
Idéalement, Vous êtes au fait des technologies PKI EAC, X.509, Web, SaaS & Cloud Computing, cadre législatifs et normatifs de signature électronique communautaire 1999/93/CE, IAS et eIDAS et non communautaire.
Doté(e) d’excellences qualités rédactionnelles, vous êtes réactif (ve), et votre flexibilité vous permet de vous adapter rapidement..
Votre esprit de synthèse, d’analyse, votre goût pour le travail en équipe ainsi que votre bon relationnel font de vous le candidat idéal.
L’anglais courant est indispensable pour ce poste.
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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Teams Marketing the Business Unit identity and in close collaboration with strategic marketing, commercial and R & D teams,.Your main tasks will include:(1) analyse the evolutions of the market: provide competitive intelligence and propose a vision in 2-3 years of product(2) follow the needs of corporate customers technologically and functionally to ensure their compliance with our strategy, participate in the implementation of a roadmap produced at 6 months(3) to support the development of the product in accordance with the methodology established by the R & D (Agile Scrum method): write the specifications and the release notes in accordance with the standard of the company,4) participate in the formation of the support team before each production of the product and collect returns usersOf formation Bac + 5, business school / engineer /, you have a 3/5 years experience as product manager or Product Owner Agile on computer products.Knowledge of the markets is one more you know the markets and our competitors products.Ideally, you are up-to-date technologies EAC PKI, X.509, Web, SaaS & Cloud Computing, framework legislative and normative community electronic signatures 1999/93/EC, IAS and eIDAS and not community.With (e) Excellencies editorial qualifications, you are reactive (ve), and your flexibility lets quickly adapt you...Your spirit of synthesis, analysis, your taste for the work as a team as well as your relational good make you the ideal candidate.Current English is essential for this position.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Within the Marketing Team of Business Unit Identity and closely with the strategic marketing teams, sales and R & D,
Your main tasks will include:
1) Analyze market trends: provide competitive intelligence and a vision to 2-3 Year Product
2) Follow the needs of technologically and functionally client companies to ensure compliance with our strategy to participate in the implementation of a product roadmap to 6 months
3) to support the development of the product respecting the methodology up by R & D (Agile Scrum method): drafting specifications and release notes according to the standard of the Company,
4) participate in training support teams before each product into production and collect user feedback Training Bac + 5, business school / engineer /, you have a 3/5 years of experience as a Product Manager or Product Owner Agile on computer products. The market knowledge is a plus You know the markets and our competitors' products . Ideally, you are familiar with the EAC PKI technologies, X.509, Web, SaaS & Cloud Computing, legislative and normative framework of Community electronic signature 1999/93 / EC, and not eIDAS IAS and community. With (e) to excellences writing skills, you are reactive (er) and your flexibility allows you to adapt quickly .. Your mind synthesis, analysis, your taste for team work and your good interpersonal skills make you the ideal candidate. The fluent English is essential for this position.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the marketing of the business unit, team identity and team in close cooperation with the strategic marketing, commercial and r&d, your main tasks will include: (1) analyze the changes in the market, the competitive intelligence and vision in 2 - 3 years of product.2) follow the needs of corporate customers technically and functionally in accordance with our strategy, participate in the implementation of the roadmap to 6 months (3) to take charge of the product development in accordance with the methodology set up by the method r&d agile scrum).write the specifications and the release notes in accordance with the standard of the society, (3) to participate in the training of the teams, before the establishment of media product and collect user training in the return tray (5), school of business / engineering / you have a 3 / 5 years of experience as the head of the the product or product owner agile on computer products.knowledge of the market is the more you know the markets and the products of our competitors. "ideally, you're the x.509 pki technologies) web & saas cloud, a legislative and regulatory framework for electronic signature, 1999 / 93 / community and non community) and, with eidas (e. - drafting skills), you're reagent (ve).the flexibility allows you to adapt your mind. the synthesis, analysis, your taste for the team, as well as the good people make you the ideal candidate. the english is essential for this position.
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