Objet : lettre de motivation pour le stage commercialMadame, Monsieur, перевод - Objet : lettre de motivation pour le stage commercialMadame, Monsieur, английский как сказать

Objet : lettre de motivation pour l

Objet : lettre de motivation pour le stage commercial

Madame, Monsieur,

Je suis actuellement étudiant en master à l’Ecole Audencia de Nantes et je suis à la recherche d’un stage pratique, intégré dans ma formation, pour une durée de 6 mois et pouvant débuter en Janvier. Étant passionné par la transaction et les enjeux économiques des entreprises, je suis très intéressé par l’offre de stage "stage commercial" et je pense que je suis la personne qu’il vous faut.

En effet, lors de ma formation Master de Management, j’ai suivi des cours qui m’ont permis d’approfondir mes connaissances en commerce. Sérieux et pragmatique, les expériences acquises au contact de la réalité et durant les différentes missions de groupe à l’école m’ont permis d’aborder le marketing au contexte local et international et de réaliser des missions en parfaite autonomie. Grâce à la formation Master et Bachelor en Ingénierie, je possède à présent de fortes compétences d’analyse, d’innovation et de logique, ce qui m'a permis de découvrir et de résoudre facilement des problèmes. Bénéficiant de l’expérience au sein de l’Union des Chercheurs et des Etudiants Chinois, je suis particulièrement motivé pour travailler en équipe et élargir mes compétences de communication et de résistance au stress.

Curieux et autodidacte, je suis attiré depuis tout jeune par la transaction, la négociation ainsi que le management. J’ai abandonné le master précédent car je souhaite orienter ma carrière vers le commerce pour lequel j'ai une vraie passion. Je voudrais bien maintenant faire mon stage chez vous VALEO, leader dans le domaine d’équipementier automobile, reconnu pour la qualité de produits et de services, avec une stratégie ambitieuse de développement en chine. En outre, je suis l’homme qui est intéressé par l’automobile et connait bien les pièces d’automobile car j’ai toujours réparé moi-même les voitures de mes amis et ma voiture. Ce serait une opportunité formidable pour moi pour mettre en usage tous mes avantages et développer mon potentiel.

Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires.
Dans l’attente de vous rencontrer, je vous prie d'agréer l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations.
LIN Zexuan

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Subject: letter of motivation for the commercial internshipMadam, Sir,I'm currently studying master's programmes at the Audencia School of Nantes and am looking for a practical, integrated course in my training for a period of 6 months and can start in January. Being fascinated by the transaction and business economic issues, I am very interested by the internship offer 'commercial stage' and I think that I am the person need you.In fact, when my Master of Management training, I followed courses that allowed me to deepen my knowledge in trade. Serious and pragmatic, experiences at contact with the reality and during different missions group at the school allowed me to address marketing to the local and international context and to carry out missions in complete autonomy. Through training Master and Bachelor's degree in engineering, I now has strong skills of analysis, innovation and logic, which allowed me to discover and solve problems easily. Benefiting from the experience within the Union of researchers and Chinese students, I'm particularly motivated to work in a team and expand my skills of communication and resistance to stress.Curious and self-taught, I am attracted since young by the transaction, negotiation and management. I abandoned the previous master because I wish to direct my career towards trade for which I have a true passion. I now have my internship at you VALEO, leader in the field of automotive supplier, recognized for the quality of products and services, with an ambitious strategy of development in China. In addition, I am the man who is interested in the automobile and knows well auto parts because I always repaired myself my friends cars and my car. It would be a great opportunity for me to use all my benefits and develop my potential.I am at your disposal for further information. Waiting to meet you, please accept the assurance of my respectful greetings.LIN Zexuan
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Subject: letter for the commercial course Madam, I am currently a masters student at the School Audencia Nantes and I'm looking for an internship, part of my training for a period of 6 months could begin in January. Being passionate about the transaction and the economic issues of business, I am very interested in the internship offer "commercial course" and I think I am the person for you. In fact, during my training Master of Management I took courses that helped me to deepen my knowledge in commerce. Serious and pragmatic, the experiences in contact with reality and during the various missions group at school allowed me to approach marketing to local and international context and carry out missions in complete autonomy. With the Master and Bachelor in Engineering training, I now have strong analytical skills, innovation and logic, which allowed me to discover and solve problems easily. Benefiting from the experience within the Union of Chinese Students and Researchers, I am particularly motivated to work as a team and expand my communication skills and stress resistance. Curious and self-taught, since I am attracted by the young transaction, negotiation and management. I abandoned the previous master because I want to focus my career towards the business for which I have a real passion. I would like to do my internship now you VALEO, a leader in automotive equipment, recognized for the quality of products and services, with an ambitious development strategy in China. In addition, I am the man who is interested in the car and knows the auto parts because I always repaired my own cars my friends and my car. It would be a great opportunity for me to use all my benefits and develop my potential. I am at your disposal for any additional information. We look forward to meet you, I beg you to accept the expression of my respectful greetings. Zexuan LIN

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Subject: letter of motivation for the commercial training program

Madam, Mr.,

I am currently studying in master at school Audiencia of Nantes and i am in search of an internship, integrated in my training, for a period of 6 months and can begin in January. With a passion by the transaction and the economic stakes of companies,I am very interested by the offer of a traineeship "commercial training program" and I think that I am the person that you need.

indeed, during my training Master of Management, I have taken courses that have enabled me to deepen my knowledge in trade. Serious and pragmatic,The experiences gained at the contact of the reality and during the various missions of the group to the school have allowed me to deal with the marketing to the local context and international and to carry out missions in perfect autonomy. Thanks to the training Master and Bachelor in Engineering, i now possesses strong analytical skills, innovation and logic,What has enabled me to discover and to easily resolve the problems. Benefiting from the experience within the Union of researchers and Chinese students, I am particularly motivated to work in a team and broaden my skills in communication and resistance to stress.

curious and self-taught, I am attracted since any young by the transaction,The negotiation as well as the management. I abandoned the previous master because i wishes to guide my career to the business for which I have a real passion. I would like to now make my internship in you VALEO, the leader in the field of automotive supplier, recognized for the quality of products and services, with an ambitious development strategy in China. In addition,I am the man who is interested in the automobile and is familiar with the automotive parts because I have always repaired me-even the cars of my friends and my car. This would be a great opportunity for me to use all my benefits and develop my potential.

I am at your entire disposal for any additional information.
In the waiting to meet you, I ask you to accept the expression of my respectful greetings.
LIN Zexuan

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